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'Perioral' means 'around the mouth', and in aesthetics this tends to refer to lipstick lines above and below the mouth plus any other fine lines in this immediate vicinity. A horizontal line between the bottom lip and the chin also qualifies, as do deep dimples, if they are something that a client would like to be softened. In addition, any finer lines which lie superficial to the marionette lines make up part of this grouping. Typically, a small amount of dermal filler is used to improve the appearance of these lines, so 1ml goes a long way as long as the lines are superficial. Often for best results at the mouth corners, it's necessary to use a deep dermal filler to replace volume loss which creates a 'sad face' seen from a distance, and a lighter dermal filler for the more superficial lines.


Lipstick or ‘smoker’s’ lines are vertical lines above the top lip and sometimes also, below the bottom lip. These tend to be more visible when the lips are pouted to kiss or apply lipstick.










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Areas where the lines are numerous and fine are sometimes best treated with a skin booster instead of dermal filler. Dr Mike will talk you through the options during your complimentary consultation to help you decide what is best for you and create a tailor-made treatment.

Is Perioral filler right for me?


If you can see any of the fine lines around your mouth from arms length (i.e. not with a magnifying glass), then these lines can be smoothed out with dermal filler. Dr Mike is also a specialist at correcting procedures that may have not gone to plan elsewhere. Previous filler can be balanced, topped up, or dissolved if needed.

How long does it last?


We would expect perioral filler (lipstick lines, smokers lines, deep dimples etc) to last 6-12 months depending on the client.

Will it hurt?


A strong anaesthetic numbing cream will be applied to the area ahead of injecting. This will minimise discomfort. The filler itself also contains lidocaine which will optimise comfort levels throughout. Additionally, as Dr Mike has vast experience in injecting dermal filler, his injection technique will also limit discomfort.

What volume to go for?


Usually 1ml is enough, but of course, if you have more lines and want maximum results, a second ml is sometimes needed. This will be discussed during your complimentary consultation.

What will it cost?


Our perioral lines filler at Astral Skin Clinic is £230 for 1ml, then £100 per ml in the same area after that.

What is the downtime?


As with all injections, it is possible that some slight swelling or bruising will occur for 2-3 days. We ask that you try to refrain from touching your lips or applying cream or lipstick directly after the procedure. That being said, as treatments go, there is very little downtime, and after 12 hours makeup and lipstick can be applied.


Feel ready to book with us or have some more questions? Click the link below to contact us via WhatsApp or email. We can book you directly into a clinic appointment or arrange a complimentary telephone consultation with Dr Mike.

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